He is Close


“I never signed up for this!” Perhaps this thought has crossed your mind a time or two. On this side of heaven, we are faced with all kinds of challenges. What is your response when you are unsure what to do or when facing a circumstance that seems overwhelming? One of the great promises we find in Scripture is recorded in James 4:8, which tells us, “Come close to God, and God will come close to you.” What a promise! The God of all creation desires to come near you today. Here are some practical ways Scripture encourages us to draw near to the Lord each day:

PRAISE HIM. Psalms 100:4

Praise turns our attention from the difficulty of our circumstances to the wonderful power of the Lord. Entering God’s presence should always be filled with thanksgiving and praise.

SEEK HIM. Matthew 6:33

Every revival in history has come through people committed to seeking God and making Him the top priority in every part of their lives. Jesus promises that when He becomes our greatest priority, His power will take care of all other areas of our lives!

LISTEN TO HIM. Matthew 17:5

The Lord speaks when we read His Word, when we listen to the preaching of His Word, and through other believers we surround ourselves with. As we draw near to God and listen to His words, we will see His power work through every situation.

OBEY HIM. Psalm 34:8-10

Favor follows obedience. As the Lord speaks to you and you respond with an obedient heart, you will experience the blessing of the Lord in your life and in your family in greater ways!

There is no doubt God wants to take care of every situation you face, but even more, He wants His presence to fill your life in greater ways than ever before. So as you come near the Lord today, pray for more of His presence, more of His peace, and His power on your life than ever before because His promise is true that as you draw near to Him, He will draw near to you!


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