2024 House-Building Project

Through a partnership with One Body and a local missionary, Ara Camejo, we as a church body have had the opportunity to build houses for families in the Dominican Republic.

We have another opportunity to bless a mother and her children as we prepare to take a trip this coming November.

Meet Anna

Anna is a widowed mother of 7 kids. A few years ago her house flooded, and she has had to move several different times. Through the generosity of people, One Body, was able to purchase a plot of land for Anna to build a house on.

This November, a team from Victory Hill Church is going down to the Dominican Republic to build Anna’s house. The cost to build is $17,000. Would you prayerfully consider partnering financially with us?

Anna’s Story

Make an impact today

Checks can be made out to Victory Hill Church and mailed to:
4000 Coonpath Rd. Carroll, OH 43113

Please mark the memo: DR House Project.